Ik ben erg trots om aan te kondigen dat Dutch Tech Blog begonnen is aan de overgang naar blogsoftware WordPress. Deze blog zal blijven bestaan en voorlopig blijf ik ook nog contact houden vanaf hier. Echter, binnen enkele weken hoop ik de nieuwe blog te kunnen gebruiken. De blog is nog in bèta, maar ik hoop zo snel mogelijk de benodigde aanpassingen te hebben gedaan. Uiteraard wordt er voor gezorgd dat binnenkort ook de domeinnaam zal worden overgezet.
De overgang neemt wat tijd in beslag, maar ik hoop zo snel mogelijk alles voltooid te hebben. Uiteraard houd ik jullie op de hoogte!
Preview verschijnt zeer binnenkort!
For English readers:
I’m very proud to announce that Dutch Tech Blog has been started at the move to blogsoftware WordPress. This blog will stay and temporary I’m still going to communicate at this blog. However, I hope to release the new blog to my satisfied users. It’s still in bèta, but hopefully you can start with reading from the new blog quite soon. I will also take care of the domain of the current blog, which will be replaced to the new one soon.
The transition will take some time, but as I’ve told you I hope to complete anything as soon as possible. Of course I’ll keep you up-to-date.
Preview will be online very soon!
Tom de Beer
Chief Editor
Do not waste time by waiting until the release, because it might take about a month to be sure that everything has been done well.
Do not waste time by waiting until the release, because it might take about a month to be sure that everything has been done well.